Turn your pain into purpose, part 1

Written by Sandra J Wilson

February 10, 2023

This 5 part series called, “Turn your pain into purpose,” was created it to help anyone struggling with grief or loss in their life, and how I can help.

I hope that this gives you or someone you know, comfort in the journey to heal.

If you’re struggling to find meaning and purpose after a loss, you are not alone.

Trying to navigate the rough waters of grief and come out on the other side with a renewed sense of self and hope for the future, may seem way off into the distance.

I help women bridge that gap. But, let’s understand this is not a race, it’s a marathon.

It’s a process that allows healing to take place in a holistic way.

My coaching process.

Step 1: “What’s your story?”

I want to know your story, and how your loss has affected you and your daily life.

How do you really feel about it?What do you need right now?

Since these sessions can get quite intense and emotional, it may take minutes or an entire session or two to move onto the next level of healing.

Neither is right or wrong, because you can’t rush healing.Also, each question can lead us into another possible direction.

*These are just the basics to get started. The client’s answer will always lead us in the proper direction.

I create a safe space and I will support the process without judgment.

We will gently move together to get you to the next step to finding your new sense of purpose and passion.

Grief can be overwhelming, but it can also be a powerful catalyst for personal growth.

I will help you turn your pain into purpose and guide you to find the strength to move forward.

I will  help you navigate the journey and come out on the other side with a renewed sense of self and hope for the future.

Coach Sandra

* These steps will vary from client to client.

Click Here for My Story

Here’s what women can expect from me:

1. A safe space to share and listen
2. Gentle guidance to alleviate stress
3. Meditation and mindfulness practices
4. Self-care activities
5. Stress management techniques.

“Death may leave a heartache no one can heal, but a life well-lived leaves memories that no one can steal.” (from an Irish headstone. Richard Puz)

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