About me – Grief & Loss Experience

“My mission is to guide you to heal from trauma, grief, and/or loss to become even more productive and happier in your life.”

Sandra J Wilson

Certified life coach and grief support coach.

After losing my brother in a car accident when I was 23, my mom to cancer at 30, a home and all assets at age 50, survived a Cat 4 hurricane the same year, and then losing my husband to ALS (Lou Gehrig’s disease) at age 53…

Here’s what I believe…

We need space to heal

We heal at our own pace

There is no time limit on grief

We all experience grief differently

We need to find purpose in our pain

All losses are a form of grief and/or trauma

We need to tell or share our story and feel safe doing it

You don't need to experience all stages of grief to heal, be normal or be whole

“Not all losses, griefs, and traumas are created equal and should never be compared.”

And, with help, we can heal more completely and wholly.

Even though I experienced three major deaths alone, my life coaching certification and it’s tools allowed me to heal on another level.

I thought that “time heals all wounds,” as the saying goes, but I was almost 5 years away from my husband’s passing and realized that I hadn’t completely healed; in fact, I was spiraling within my emotions.

Fortunately, I learned some great techniques and gathered tools to help me heal in the best way, in a holistic way.

I gained my confidence back and got out of the victim mindset, which allowed me to see more clearly what I gained rather than what I lost.

And now, I want to share these healing techniques with as many people as possible.

How do you know if you need help?

You know when you…

Can't seem to get your thoughts clear

Are confused about how to move forward

Aren't getting the support you need or want

Are feeling lost and stuck in the depths of your loss

(to name a few…)

I get it; that was me, too.

My mission now is to help others get the clarity they need after suffering a loss.

I want you to know that it is possible to move forward in the most healing and positive way, become even more productive at work, and be a better spouse, parent, and/or caretaker.

I’m here for you.

Coach Sandra J


Akashic Readings & Bundles

Life & Grief Empowerment