Gut Health

Written by Sandra J Wilson

September 28, 2018

Can you consciously clean/health your gut?

Sandra J Wilson, Founder of Sandra’s Empower Wellness (2018-present) Answered just now

Gut health is vital to our overall well-being and is overlooked by many of us. The gut is known as our “second brain,” and that should say it all for the importance of a clean, healthy gut, as Richard E. Cytowic describes:

“As researchers turn their microscopes to these hidden environments, they have discovered something remarkable: There’s an entire ecosystem of bacteria and a vast neural network operating in our guts. This ecosystem is our second brain and comprises some 100 million neurons, more than the spinal cord. This is not a thinking brain—it does not reason, write poetry, or solve multi-linear regressions—but mounting evidence suggests that your gut’s health strongly influences your mood.”

So it’s vital that we take care of this on a daily basis. We need to feed ourselves the proper foods in order to stay healthy. If we truly and consciously think of this as our second brain, we will make better choices.

How can we improve or clean our gut? Try to consume probiotics and prebiotics. What are they?

According to Healthline:

    • Probiotics: These are live bacteria found in certain foods or supplements. They can provide numerous health benefits.
    • Prebiotics: These substances come from types of carbs (mostly fiber) that humans can’t digest. The beneficial bacteria in your gut eat this fiber.
    Probiotics and prebiotics can aid in that health. We may eat these, or we can supplement them. Or we can do both.

    Probiotics can be in liquid, pill, or capsule form and contain live, healthy bacteria that our bodies need.

    The foods that are probiotics are:

    High-quality, non-sweetened plain yogurt with live cultures or fermented foods such as:

    • Kefir (dairy and non-dairy)
    • Other pickled vegetables (non-pasteurized)

Make sure that none of these are pasteurized, as that kills all the beneficial bacteria

Photo: Thinkstock/MAREKULIASZ

Foods that are high in prebiotic fiber are:

    • Legumes, beans, and peas
    • Oats
    • Bananas
    • Berries.
    • Asparagus
    • Dandelion greens
    • Garlic
    • Leeks
    • Onions

    Prebiotics are types of fiber that humans cannot digest, but your gut bacteria can. These types of fiber provide nutrients to the bacteria that support healthy digestion and immune function.

    Photo by Dan Gold on Unsplash

    Our overall health is determined by many factors. Gut health should be at the top of that list.

    If you can’t consume the foods, then please consider taking the highest-quality supplements.

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