
When you work with a coach, you want results.

Coaching is our passion!

Our program will help you create balance in your life.

This differs from other programs because we focus on Deep Health.  This is important because we want you to THRIVE in all aspects of your life, not just the physical aspect.

Deep Health coaching includes these six dimensions:







We will give you the tools and teach you the skills to recognize what to do when “life happens” or we get “off-track” and how to navigate that so when it happens you can get right back on again.

Our practice uses collaborative client-based coaching. This gets us results because it’s science-based, where we take into account the feedback you are providing on a daily, weekly, and/or monthly basis. That way we can assess how we need to adjust the plan according to that feedback.

The most important thing to remember; our coaching practice is a safe space. We are completely present for you in our sessions, where we listen without judgment and complete confidentiality.

Collaborative Coaching


How this works

Deep health

By focusing on the whole person and all six dimensions to create an environment for lasting results.


We base our plan on data and feedback (not social trends or gimmicks), and create and customize a plan together based on that data. Without judgment or personal bias.


By creating a safe space to talk about difficult things to promote healing. We provide the tools and techniques to reach your goals and teach you the skills to become more in touch with yourself.

Gain balance; in body, mind, and spirit.

Let’s break it down

Complimentary Discovery Call

Let’s see if we are a good fit. If we are, then let’s talk about goals and expectations. And learn more about our process and getting your desired results.


Strategy Session Coaching Call

This session is key to finding out what to focus on first. From there we will collaborate and decide together how we want to move forward with a proper plan of action.


We meet four times per month. We will discuss the previous weeks’ progress and focus on feedback. In between sessions, text and email are encouraged.

Support and Accountability

This is a collaboration. Each client is unique, and that is respected. From our experience, collaboration breeds success, follow-through, and lasting results. We help you to focus and define your goals, allowing you to stay true to your commitment to being the best version of yourself.

Coaching Experience

Our coaching program wants you to feel and look your best, but more importantly, to be healthy. By following the proper steps, you will start to feel more energy and balance. Healing can be essential, as can working through past wounds and letting go.


Akashic Readings & Bundles

Life & Grief Empowerment